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The Myth About Teacup Chihuahuas

by Renee Dietz on September 26th, 2005

Most people have heard the term “teacup Chihuahua,” believing this is a special type of this breed. In truth, there is no such thing as a teacup Chihuahua, although many breeders will use this terminology to make a sale. The word itself conjures up thoughts of an even smaller dog, which is what many people want. Now, considering the average Chihuahua puppy weighs less than three ounces at birth and will only grow to about six pounds at maturity as it is, achieving “teacup” would impossible.

Typically, the reference to a “teacup Chihuahua” is more slang than fact. Sadly, this misconception has the potential to lead to problems. For example, if someone were to want a teacup Chihuahua, only to find it ends up weighing seven pounds once full grown, chances are that person is not going to be happy. Therefore, the dog could be on the receiving end of the disappointment, a very bad position to be in, unless the owner simply loved the dog regardless and did not care.

Remember that the size of the Chihuahua will be determined partly by genetics as well as overall health. Now, someone could ask a breeder for a teacup size, rather than a teacup breed, but the problem is that no one can tell if a six or ten-week old Chihuahua puppy will grow to be a teacup size. Since the puppies will not reach full growth until around the age of two, the person would have to wait and see.

Another more serious problem when it comes to buying a “teacup Chihuahua” is that sadly, some commercial breeders as well as puppy mills will provide false birth dates to make a buck. In this case, the puppy may be just six weeks old but the person is selling it as a ten-week old. The buyer, completely unaware, thinks they have found a very small Chihuahua, thus the teacup as advertised. Of course, as the puppy grows, the truth does come out.

So what is the answer? First, understand that teacup Chihuahuas do not exist but small ones do. The breed itself is already tiny so the best option is to work with a reputable breeder that will provide you with a healthy Chihuahua puppy, the most important factor. You know the dog will not grow to much more than six or seven pounds anyway, which compared to other breeds is exceptionally small. Therefore, the best bet is to do your homework to understand specific things to look for in a puppy and questions to ask the breeder.

From there, you can look at several litters, finding that one special puppy that melts your heart. Together, you can grow with your new pet, learning to love and respect it regardless of size. Now, if you are looking for a Chihuahua puppy to breed, there would be stricter guidelines but again, the same type of situation would exist in that there is no such thing as a teacup. In this case, a reputable breeder, good bloodline, and the right features would be the most important aspects of buying.

Author’s Bio: Renee Dietz says she has “been blessed with the ability to write.” Over the past 25 years, she has written more than 150 ebooks, well over 18,000 articles, and web content. Renee has written on various subjects that range from teaching a parrot to talk to stock commodities to weddings and everything in between. Her style is creative, informative, and always reader-friendly. Renee goes on to say that “writing is my passion, something I take to heart. For this reason, I work diligently to ensure every client is a happy client.” One of Renee’s favorites quotes comes from Douglas Adams - “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

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