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Choosing a Tiny Teacup Chihuahua

by Renee Dietz on September 28th, 2005

First and most importantly, there is no such thing as a “Teacup Chihuahua.” This is a comparison statement, not a special breed. Sadly, many breeders are selling tiny “Teacup Chihuahuas” for big money, misleading buyers into thinking they are getting something different, something unique. What happens is that these buyers go home believing their tiny bundle of joy will never grow larger than two pounds and while it may not, there is no guarantee. Therefore, when you get ready to buy your Chihuahua, never buy from a breeder that convincingly talks about a “Teacup.”

However, for the sake of this article, we will use the words, “tiny teacup Chihuahua” only as description, NOT a breed. Choosing the right puppy means you need to dedicate some time and gain a solid understanding of the breed. The Chihuahua is a wonderful pet that is fun, smart, loving, and makes a great watchdog. One of the first recommendations we would make is to look at the entire litter as a whole. Pay attention to any of the pups that seem to stay away, backed suspiciously in the corner. These puppies would require even more patience and may not be the most loving pet.

Next, do not let the breeder talk you in or out of buying a particular puppy. Knowing about the breed and what to look for is your best ammunition for choosing the right puppy for YOU. For example, if you notice one particular Chihuahua puppy completely avoiding the group of pups as well as you, if the breeder should tell you that that puppy has just not been handled much, then one of two things is happening.

Firstly, the puppy could be extremely shy. In this case, it would take a lot of training to socialize the dog to get along with you, other members of the family, and perhaps other animals in the home. This is certainly possible but you have no guarantee that the puppy will ever come out of this state. Secondly, if the puppy has not been handled much, this is a problem with the breeder. A good, reputable breeder has the responsibility to ensure every puppy is handled, loved on, and played with daily to help socialize them. This socialization process is what develops well tempered dogs and if the breeder is not spending adequate time that is noticeable in the puppy, you should see red flags being raised about the breeder’s dedication and competency.

If you notice the tiny teacup Chihuahua hiding under furniture or tucking its tail, chances are you will never be able to bring it out is shell. Sometimes, there are problems with the puppy’s genes that simply cannot be changed. Therefore, learn to distinguish between shyness and fear. Instead, allow the puppy to choose you, not the other way around. When you visit various breeders or rescue organizations, sit down on the floor to see which of the puppies comes to you, climbing in your lap for love and attention.

Author’s Bio: Renee Dietz says she has “been blessed with the ability to write.” Over the past 25 years, she has written more than 150 ebooks, well over 18,000 articles, and web content. Renee has written on various subjects that range from teaching a parrot to talk to stock commodities to weddings and everything in between. Her style is creative, informative, and always reader-friendly. Renee goes on to say that “writing is my passion, something I take to heart. For this reason, I work diligently to ensure every client is a happy client.” One of Renee’s favorites quotes comes from Douglas Adams - “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

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