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What is a Toy Chihuahua?

by Renee Dietz on September 30th, 2005

If you are interested in buying a small dog, one that is loyal, protective, exceptionally smart, alert, comical, and extremely loving, then you might consider a Chihuahua. Sometimes referred to as a “toy Chihuahua,” this breed is the world’s smallest dog, weighing between just four and six pounds at full maturity. Even though small, the Chihuahua has a huge heart and big attitude.

When considering a toy Chihuahua, there are some things to consider. For starters, they do well with children if introduced as puppies but children must be taught to handle this breed carefully because of the small size. However, typically a Chihuahua will do much better with adults and for some reason, prefers women over men. Regardless, this is an excellent breed that makes a wonderful family pet.

In addition, toy Chihuahuas do well with other dogs, even large breeds. The only consideration is again its size, keeping the little dog safe and protected. One woman had a six-pound Chihuahua and a 110-pound Labrador. The two would commonly fall asleep curled up together. In addition, when someone would ring the doorbell, the Labrador would stand at the top of the stairs with the Chihuahua underneath its body as they both barked. As you can imagine, the sight was something to behold.

Even though a Chihuahua is small, do not be fooled thinking this is a timid dog. In reality, the Chihuahua is bold, usually in charge of the household, and never afraid to stand its ground. However, that does not mean this breed is aggressive, just confident. In addition, this breed is generally a healthy dog that will live for 15, 18, and even up to 20 years.

Because of the small size, the fact that the Chihuahua would easily cuddle in someone’s lap all day, and requires very little exercise, it makes the perfect pet for elderly, disabled, or people living in apartments or homes with small or no yards. The price of a toy Chihuahua is around $500 although you can find some wonderful dogs at rescue centers for much less. Typically, these dogs have lost their home due to a deceased owner or unfortunately were taken from a bad situation. Sometimes, you might have to work with temperament a little in building trust but with patience and love, these dogs are genuinely appreciative for a good home.

When choosing, you will find subtle differences between males and females. For instance, the males are a little more rough and tough, tend to be more outgoing, have a very reliable mood, and are often a bit more clumsy and comical. The downside is that some males need a little more work in the housebreaking territory in that they like to mark things but this can be corrected. For the females, they are often a little more calmly affectionate, they learn faster, and are not as easily distracted, but they are prone to mood swings, and drama. Regardless, both male and female toy Chihuahua is perfect pets for many people.

Author’s Bio: Renee Dietz says she has “been blessed with the ability to write.” Over the past 25 years, she has written more than 150 ebooks, well over 18,000 articles, and web content. Renee has written on various subjects that range from teaching a parrot to talk to stock commodities to weddings and everything in between. Her style is creative, informative, and always reader-friendly. Renee goes on to say that “writing is my passion, something I take to heart. For this reason, I work diligently to ensure every client is a happy client.” One of Renee’s favorites quotes comes from Douglas Adams - “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

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