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Buying Chihuahua Clothes

by Renee Dietz on October 12th, 2005

Okay…dressing Chihuahua dogs up in clothing is fun and if you have seen the market today, there are literally thousands of outfits from which to choose. If you want to take your pet to a Halloween party, no problem, just choose a cat costume, pumpkin costume, or even wicked witch costume.

Now, if you are taking your dog to a social event, then perhaps a formal gown, tuxedo, silk coat, or tutu would be more in order. Then for people living in cold weather regions, their precious puppy might wear a sweatshirt, raincoat, or perhaps a designer sweater. The options go on and on and as you begin your search for Chihuahua clothes, you will be amazed at the massive selection you find.

The truth is, when it comes to Chihuahua clothes, people spend a fortune. Okay, you might be asking, “Doesn’t this bother the dog?” While you might think so, most Chihuahua’s love the limelight so dressing up to hear people say “ooh and ah” is not a problem. In fact, many Chihuahuas will hold their head up high with pride. Some people say dogs could care less but you try telling that to the Chihuahuas that wear clothes.

Keep in mind that the Chihuahua breed often shakes because it is cold. At night time, this breed will cuddle deep under the covers as a means of staying warm, even in the middle of summer. Therefore, providing your pet with a warm sweatshirt or sweater actually makes it more comfortable. Additionally, if you buy quality clothing, it is made just as well as human clothing so it fits perfectly, providing ample arm and neck room.

In addition to outfits, you will also find shoes and hats for Chihuahuas. If your little one needs to make a trip outside during the winter, you can protect the feet with a pair of leather booties. You will find hundreds of great websites on the internet to buy your Chihuahua clothing or if you prefer, you can have them custom made or learn to sew them yourself. You will even find patterns on the website so you can pick and choose the styles you like and then have fun being creative.

Chihuahua clothing is typically not expensive although if you choose designer clothes it can be costly. One of the best options is to check out online auctions such as eBay where you will find great prices and great selection! After all, every Chihuahua should look great and have a way of showing off his or her character!

Author’s Bio: Renee Dietz says she has “been blessed with the ability to write.” Over the past 25 years, she has written more than 150 ebooks, well over 18,000 articles, and web content. Renee has written on various subjects that range from teaching a parrot to talk to stock commodities to weddings and everything in between. Her style is creative, informative, and always reader-friendly. Renee goes on to say that “writing is my passion, something I take to heart. For this reason, I work diligently to ensure every client is a happy client.” One of Renee’s favorites quotes comes from Douglas Adams - “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

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1 Comment »

Comment by Sara
2009-01-12 21:10:01
MyAvatars 0.2

I make my own lil’ chichi’s clothes.. they’re so cute!! I took a sewing class in highschool a few years back, and I just decided one day that Rosie (the 3 legged chichi.. had an accident when she was a puppy.. bless her heart!) needed to spice up her looks for the camera and she LOVES pink and pretty ruffles! Ah.. Chihuahuas are the cutest ever! She’s a longhaired Chichi btw! =)

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