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My First Christmas

by Little Too on December 25th, 2008

At first, I didn’t really like Christmas.

But then I found out about presents.

First I got a chew rope toy. Multi-color. I liked it.

Then I got this:

It has a squeaky. That means it squeaks! I like squeaky toys.

I started to chew it up too. But there’s no chocolate inside.

Little One got some toys too. I stole one of them. Will probably take the other one later today.

Merry Christmas!

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Comment by teeni
2008-12-25 20:33:46
MyAvatars 0.2

Yup. Christmas really HAS gone to the dogs this year! Hope you and the other Little both had a good booty of loot this year!

2008-12-26 21:29:36
MyAvatars 0.2

Ha haaaa!!!

Your place looks very much like mine.
“Hello” from Mardy and Cookie.

Comment by Kaylee
2009-01-01 03:28:56
MyAvatars 0.2

Hope you guys had a good christmas!

Comment by Lisa
2009-01-07 14:54:15
MyAvatars 0.2

Hey, Love the Chiuhua…ahh…wait, how do you spell that…oh yeah, love the DOG!

Join and hopefully follow me @shelteranimals on twitter and also @apeaceoflisa on twitter. Hopefully you will like my blogs and follow them too!

Does the dog “REALLY” like wearing those outfits!?!?!?!?! LOL


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