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I Hate Halloween

by Little Too on October 31st, 2009

Chihuahua Dressed for Halloween

Last Halloween, they made me wear bells.

This is what I got stuck with this Halloween.

I think I liked the bells better.

I had to wear this yesterday at work. Then, they made me put it on again today so they could take photos.

Christmas had better be good. Lots of toys, I hope, to make up for this.

Or cheese.

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Comment by JD at I Do Things
2009-11-02 15:46:37
MyAvatars 0.2

HA! Little Too, you are LOCA!

2009-12-16 07:02:08
MyAvatars 0.2

TOOsDAY Outfit!

Hey lil Too ;-)

2009-12-31 00:44:35
MyAvatars 0.2

Thanks for all the nice comments … and hello from Mardy!

Comment by Speedcat Hollydale
2010-04-27 00:38:27
MyAvatars 0.2

dont be sad lil too !

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