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Archive for the ‘Little One’ Category

Chihuahuas Rule!

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007

I’m sorry but I have been too busy to keep my blog updated on a regular basis. There are people to growl at and the cat to chase around. Plus, all sorts of critters and people that walk outside that need a stern barking at.

But, I just saw this story today and had to say that Chihuahuas rule! See, we make great guard dogs, don’t we?

Read the story: “Tiny dog with giant heart saves toddler
Source: ReporterHerald.com, July 21, 2007

Who they calling “tiny”!? You go, sister!!!

Popularity: 5% [?]

Suspicious Packages

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

Today, I barked viciously at the FedEx guy when he came in.

He fears me. The UPS and DHL guys too. They all open the door cautiously when they come.

It’s my job to protect the place. I don’t know what they bring in those boxes of theirs. It’s never anything for me, so it can’t be anything good.

Daddy doesn’t like it when I bark at them. My co-worker told me to hush down. But, it’s my job! I’m just doing my job!

I was so mad when I got home from work today, that I grabbed the Mailman biscuit my Mommy gave me and ate his head right off. (I ate his legs the other day.)

Popularity: 24% [?]

Day Off Work

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

Today I’m lounging in the sun in my hammock. Don’t have to work today, but it’s kind of boring sitting around waiting for Mommy to come home from work. Daddy too.

Yesterday, Mommy took me to the eye doctor. Not for me but to fix her glasses. I barked at him. People shouldn’t be putting their fingers near other people’s eyes!

Popularity: 4% [?]

Trip to the Gas Station

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Mommy and Daddy were leaving the house, so I begged them to take me with them. I don’t like riding in the car, so I squealed and squealed the whole time.

It was tiring.

When I finally got home, I had to take a long nap.

I have to get back to chewing my bone, so goodbye for now.

Popularity: 4% [?]