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Guarding the Front Door

by Little One on July 14th, 2008

This is how I guard the front door. I can relax. I just keep my eye on the door. I can relax the rest of my body when nothing is happening. But, I am ready for action if I need to bark or bite an ankle.

Popularity: 7% [?]

I Want to Sue Bob Barker

by Little Too on June 25th, 2008

This is me after I got fixed two weeks ago today. I didn’t think anything was broken.

I want to sue Bob Barker. It’s all his fault. He’s the one who was always saying to fix your cats and dogs. I think it’s cruelty. I was alone, away from my family for a whole day. And stuck in a cage after the surgery. I don’t like it at all.

My hair still hasn’t fully filled in from the spot on my leg. Where can I find a lawyer who will represent a Chihuahua?

Popularity: 6% [?]

Free Report I Don’t Want You to Have

by Little One on June 2nd, 2008

Here’s a free report on Dog Training (PDF), but I don’t want you to download it.

Dog training is bad. Let your dog do what she wants! Please don’t download this free report, okay?


Popularity: 6% [?]

Today is My Birthday

by Little One on June 1st, 2008

Little One 090

I don’t see a cake though, like I got last year.

I am 4.

Popularity: 8% [?]

The First of June

by Little One on June 1st, 2008

My blog is now switched over to something called “WordPress.” Whatever that is.

I guess it’s supposed to make it easier for me to connect with other dogs. Nobody could comment on my old blog. They can on this one.

Maybe I’ll make some new friends that way.

Today is a nice day, but it would be better if my little sister, Little Too, would stop picking on me. I don’t know why she just can’t go take a nap.

That’s all I want to do.

Popularity: 6% [?]